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Important information while on the waiting list:


  • You are on the waiting list if you have received confirmation that your application has been registered with us.


  • To maintain your place in the waiting list, you must renew your application every 30 days, and you will be notified when it’s time to renew. If you do not renew your application, it will be automatically deleted.


  • We do not reject applications unless the application has not been renewed or requested documentation is not provided. You will therefore remain on the waiting list until:
    • You are allocated a student residence with us, or
    • It has been 30 days since you registered or last extended your application.


  • Your application will have the status "received" until you receive a contract offer. Once you receive a contract offer, your application is considered complete, and you will no longer be on the waiting list for other options


  • Make sure that your information and documentation in the application is correct and up to date. If the desired date has passed, you should move it forward in time. Add new updated student documentation if school year has started. You can edit your application at any time, you still retain your place in the applicant list.


  • Has your situation changed, and you no longer need student housing? Log in to Anker Login and withdraw your application.