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Tips and tricks for the exam period: How to survive (and maybe even thrive) 🎓

Graduation season is here and you may have already considered opting out of society and becoming a professional Netflix binge-er? Hang in there! Here are some tips to help you keep your head above water - with a smile on your face.

1. Make a plan (and try to follow it, at least a little)
Planning can be your best friend - or worst enemy if you don't follow it. Create a realistic schedule where you allocate reading, breaks and sleep (yes, sleep is not optional). Bonus: You'll feel super-organised, even if the plan only lasts one day.

2. Prioritise sleep as if it's an exam task
"I can sleep after the exam," says no one who passes. Your brain needs sleep to actually store all that knowledge you're cramming into your head. So ditch the late-night reading marathon and give your brain a chance to shine.

3. Coffee: Your best friend and worst enemy
Caffeine is magic. But beware - too much and you'll be sitting there at 3am with a PowerPoint presentation you've created on why penguins should be the superheroes of our time. Keep it to a couple of cups a day (or three, we won't judge).

4. Take breaks (seriously, do it!)
Your brain is not a machine, even though it might feel like one right now. Take 5-10 minute breaks every hour to stretch your body, go for a walk, or just stare into space and think about how great you are.

5. Eat like a winner
It can be tempting to live on noodles and energy drinks, but your body needs real nutrition to perform at its best. Throw in a banana, some veg or something else not from a bag and your brain will thank you.

6. Reward yourself (often!)
"One hour of reading = one episode of my favourite show." Sounds like a good deal, right? Rewards can be anything from a piece of chocolate to a TikTok break - find what motivates you!

7. Embrace the chaos
No exam period is perfect. Your notes will get messy, you'll have little breakdowns (totally normal), and some days you'll feel like you can't do anything. Remember: this is temporary. You. Can. do. It.

8. Talk to someone
Whether it's a friend, a study group or your mum, getting your frustration out can help. If nothing else, get someone to remind you that you're a rock star who's almost done with this.

9. Fake it 'til you make it
Say to yourself: "I'm an exam ninja and I can do this easily!" Whether you believe it or not doesn't matter - confidence is half the battle.

10. And remember: This will pass
Graduation can feel like the end of the world, but we promise - in a few weeks you'll be done and enjoying your freedom. And who knows? Maybe you'll look back on this and think: "Wow, I actually did it."

We're rooting for you - you're already a winner just by getting this far! Now it's just a matter of getting out your superpowers, your textbooks and your best "I'm in control" attitude.


Good luck! 🌟💪